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Why We Don't Do Discounts.

"A particularly famous jewelry brand's" gold earrings start at $500 a pair. Our comparable Bar Earrings are $149. Yes, they charge more for that famous name, but it's almost 4 times more expensive. Should we price our products higher and give you a mind-blowing 70% off coupon?

I believe that's wrong. A "fake" discount (that was included in the price) works because our minds are tricky. But in no way does it feels honest to me.

That's why I made a decision from the start not to leave room for a discount in our prices.

Why we don't do sales.

I am selling solid gold. It won't spoil like produce, won't fade after cleaning like clothes, and won't devalue like a certain fancy iGadget in September.

Price of gold was $35/ounce just a 100 years ago. In the 70's, it got to $130/ounce. Today? Gold is valued around $1500/ounce! 😮 (invest in gold, kids)

Besides, we make our jewelry with reclaimed gold. If a design goes out of style, instead of doing a blowout sale, we re-melt the jewelry and re-use the gold for new designs.

This way I, as a metalsmith, don't devalue my labor. And you, as a customer, can be confident in the value of Automic Gold jewelry.

Why “no markups”
companies are BS.

Simply, because it's another marketing trick - nobody works for free. No brand will sell products at the price it cost them to produce them. Everyone has wages, rent and bills to pay.

I guess what "no markup” brands actually try to advertise are lower markups. But at any given time, there were companies with different kinds of markups. It's nothing revolutionary.


I wanted to talk about this publicly, because we are often asked about discounts. I understand, nowadays a coupon code is expected. But now you know my perspective on the topic, and know why Automic Gold customers can always expect a fair price.

Radically wearable fine jewelry, for everyone.

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