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A colorful banner that says Queer Dollars

Queer Dollars

I recently got an email from a marketing agency that was preaching about the effectiveness of marketing to LGBTQ audiences, and how the LGBTQ community was a new target audience brands could utilize this season.

That got under my skin. Even before I started Automic Gold, I used to see pride stickers show up on facades of shops squarely on June 1st. And every year I had the same question: where were you the other 11 months?

I appreciate that companies are voicing their support for LGBTQ community. It’s a step that makes acceptance a reality and equality a realistic goal.

But I would love big brands to show their support just as visibly and loudly throughout the year.

And If You Have To...

  1. Go beyond heteronormative cisgender couples being happy on beaches in your marketing. Hire queer non-white models. Hire fat queer models and disabled queer models. Hire transgender models.
  2. Show up the rest of the year.
  3. Don’t do it just for the queer dollar. Do it because of the cause. Spread the message of acceptance and equality.

Pride month is a wonderful time, and we all benefit from having more participation in it from allies and institutions as long as that participation has interests beyond our dollars.

We are happy to be loud, queer and visible. Here’s to fun and bright Pride 2018.

- Al

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